In March 2018, Art Pharmacy’s Director and Founder, Emilya Colliver, was approached to take part in a Q&A session with Jo Kelly at North Sydney Community Centre’s annual ‘In Conversation: Creative Women’.
In celebration of International Womens Day, the talk aimed to ‘look at issues that confront female artists, challenges and obstacles to overcome, and insights into pursuing a creative life’. Each of the guest speakers was ‘in conversation’ with an interviewer, ‘ranging from fellow artists to journalists’. Jo Kelly – who heads up People, Place and Partnership – asked Emilya about her work in the creative world.
Jo and Emilya are now using the experience as part of their Place Academy training sessions – an initiative they are launching with Emile Rademeyer of VANDAL. Other speakers included Michele Morcos, Pepa Martin & Karen Davis, Joanna Goodwin, Sara Saleh, Lindy Morrison, Bron Mandile, Sara Mansour, Cath Derksema, Amala Groom, Emma Blomfield, Nicole Monks & Amanda Brown.